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Banking Agencies Finalize Revisions to Streamline the Call Report

April 2, 2018 / Source: FFIEC

Press Releases

Press Release
For Immediate Release March 30, 2018

Banking Agencies Finalize Revisions to Streamline the Call Report

The three federal banking agencies, as members of the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC), are finalizing revisions to streamline the “Call Report” as part of their efforts to reduce data reporting and other burdens for financial institutions

The changes finalized by the Federal Reserve Board, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency would remove or consolidate a number of data items and add a new or raise certain existing reporting thresholds in the three versions of the Call Report. The revisions, which were proposed in November 2017, will take effect as of the June 30, 2018, report date.

Combined with prior revisions to the Call Report, approximately 51 percent of required data items for smaller, less complex institutions, and 28 percent of required data items for all other institutions have been changed.

The agencies will conduct a webinar for bankers on April 5, 2018, to discuss the Call Report revisions and other reporting changes.

All institutions, regardless of size, submit a quarterly Call Report that includes data used by regulators to monitor the condition, performance, and risk of individual institutions and the industry as a whole.



Call Report Federal Register Notice (PDF) 

Media Contacts:

CFPB Sam Gilford (202) 435-7673
FDIC Greg Hernandez (202) 898-6894
Federal Reserve Board Eric Kollig (202) 452-2955
OCC William Grassano (202) 649-6870
SLC Matt Longacre (202) 803-8091