FDIC Provides Additional Questions and Answers Regarding FDIC Official Signs and Advertising Requirements, False Advertising, Misrepresentation of Insured Status, and Misuse of the FDIC Name or Logo
December 2, 2024 / Source: FDIC
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) is updating its Questions and Answers (Q&As) related to the final rule governing FDIC Official Signs and Advertising Requirements, False Advertising, Misrepresentation of Insured Status, and Misuse of the FDIC Name or Logo (part 328). The Q&As provide answers to a collection of frequently asked questions relating to part 328 from stakeholders, including banks, trade associations, technology companies, vendors, and other entities. The FDIC is making these additional Q&As publicly available to promote transparency and support compliance efforts.
The Q&As can be found on the FDIC’s website.
Statement of Applicability: The contents of, and material referenced in, this FIL apply to all FDIC-insured financial institutions.
- The final rule issued in December 2023 amends part 328 to modernize the regulations governing the official FDIC sign and advertising statements, as well as rules related to false advertising and misrepresentations regarding deposit insurance coverage, and misuse of the FDIC’s name or logo.
- The final rule is intended to enable consumers to better understand when they are conducting business with an insured depository institution (IDI) and when their funds are protected by the FDIC’s deposit insurance coverage. The rule became effective on April 1, 2024, with a full compliance date of January 1, 2025. On October 17, 2024, the FDIC extended the compliance date for subpart A of the final rule from January 1, 2025 to May 1, 2025 in order to provide additional opportunity for IDIs to put in place processes and systems, and make technological updates for implementing the subpart A amendments.
- The newly issued Q&As cover key implementation topics such as the use of the digital sign and placement of the official sign in bank branches.
- The FDIC published the first set of Q&As in July 2024. The FDIC subsequently updated the Q&As to include additional questions and responses in August.
- In addition, in 2024, the FDIC held three banker seminars relating to the final rule and made available additional resources to further assist stakeholders with implementation, including webinar slides and audio recordings. In order to support ongoing implementation efforts, staff may consider hosting additional banker seminars on part 328 in 2025. More information about part 328 can be found in the Press Release, Financial Institution Letter (FIL) 65-2023, FIL-56-2024, and the Final Rule (PDF).