FFIEC HMDA Alert- HMDA Platform available for beta testing
December 17, 2018 / Source: FFIEC
FFIEC HMDA Alert- HMDA Platform available for beta testing
The FFIEC is pleased to announce the beta launch of the HMDA Platform for data collected in 2018. The beta release provides financial institutions an opportunity to become familiar with the HMDA Platform and, in particular, determine whether their sample LAR data complies with the reporting requirements outlined in the Filing Instructions Guide for HMDA data collected in 2018.
The beta version of the HMDA Platform will allow financial institutions to establish log-in credentials, or use log-in credentials from the 2017 filing period; upload sample 2018 HMDA files and perform validation on their data; receive confirmation that their test data was submitted; and conclude the test HMDA filing process. The Bureau will continue to add functionality to the HMDA platform during the beta test period.
During the beta period, financial institutions may test and retest 2018 HMDA data files as often as desired. All test data uploaded during the beta period will be removed from the system when the filing period opens in January 2019.
In order to use the beta version of the HMDA Platform as well as to file HMDA data collected in 2018, financial institutions must have a Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) which uniquely identifies the institution, and that LEI must be recognized by the HMDA Platform in order to create a new account or test data with an existing account. If your institution has an LEI, and that LEI is not currently recognized by the HMDA Platform, please fill out and submit this form to have the information added to the HMDA Platform. If your institution has not registered for an LEI and intends to file HMDA data collected in 2018, visit the Global LEI Foundation for information on obtaining an LEI.
Check out the beta version of the HMDA Platform: https://ffiec.beta.cfpb.gov/filing/2018/
For questions related to registering for an account on the HMDA Platform, please fill out this form. For other questions and feedback, contact [email protected].