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HUD Awards More Than $72 Million to Empower Native American Communities Across the Nation

December 9, 2024 / Source: HUD

WASHINGTON – Today, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) awarded $72.6 million to 38 communities through the Indian Community Development Block Grant (ICDBG) program. These grant funds may be used for infrastructure, community buildings, housing rehabilitation, land acquisition, economic development, and more to support American Indian and Alaskan Native families on Indian reservations and in other Indian areas.

“We continue to make strong community development investments in Indian country,” said HUD Agency Head, The Honorable Adrianne Todman. “This funding allows Tribal Nations to meet the needs of their communities and make critical infrastructure improvements.”

HUD extends its gratitude to Tribes for providing vital feedback on the ICDBG program through Tribal consultation, which informed the development of this grant competition, from the design of the Notice of Funding Opportunity through our work to quickly complete the application review and award process.

“Native American Tribes are leading the charge to upgrade infrastructure in their communities,” said Richard Monocchio, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing. “As housing and community development needs arise in Indian Country, we continue to support Tribal Communities projects to develop more innovative solutions to these challenges.”

In addition to the funding released today, the Department is recognizing the work of community building in Tribal Nations with the inaugural Secretary’s Award for Excellence in Tribal Communities. This prestigious award acknowledges the innovative approaches, best practices, policies, and community engagement that make significant contributions to serving HUD-assisted Tribal residents. Awards will be considered under the following priority areas: community development, new housing construction, supporting Native youth and honoring and serving Native veterans. HUD encourages Tribes and Tribally Designated Housing Entities to apply. To learn more about the award, visit: HUD Secretary’s Award for Excellence in Tribal Communities.

The following grantees will receive awards as part of today’s ICDBG program announcement:

AlaskaAKAngoon Community AssociationAngoon$2,000,000
AlaskaAKCheesh-Na TribeGakona$2,000,000
AlaskaAKCook Inlet Tribal Council, IncAnchorage$2,000,000
AlaskaAKMetlakatla Housing AuthorityMetlakatla$1,800,000
AlaskaAKNative Village of ChitinaChitina$2,000,000
AlaskaAKNative Village of Mary’s IglooTeller$1,472,000
AlaskaAKSitka Tribe of AlaskaSitka$1,000,000
Eastern WoodlandsMEMi’kmaq NationPresque Isle$2,000,000
Eastern WoodlandsMIBay Mills Indian CommunityBrimley$2,000,000
Eastern WoodlandsMISault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians of MISault Ste. Marie$2,000,000
Northern PlainsMTChippewa Cree Housing AuthorityBox Elder$2,000,000
Northern PlainsMTSalish & Kootenai Housing AuthorityPablo$2,000,000
Northern PlainsNENorthern Ponca Housing AuthorityNorfolk$1,315,446
Northern PlainsNEWinnebago Tribe of NebraskaWinnebago$1,890,060
Northern PlainsSDCrow Creek Housing AuthorityFort Thompson$2,000,000
Northern PlainsWYEastern Shoshone TribeFort Washakie$1,798,736
NorthwestORWarm Springs Housing AuthorityWarm Springs$2,000,000
NorthwestWAColville Indian Housing AuthorityNespelem$2,000,000
Southern PlainsOKCherokee NationTahlequah$1,999,940
Southern PlainsOKChickasaw NationAda$2,000,000
Southern PlainsOKCitizen Potawatomi NationShawnee$2,000,000
Southern PlainsOKFort Sill Apache TribeApache$2,000,000
Southern PlainsOKKickapoo Tribe of Oklahoma Housing AuthorityMcLoud$2,000,000
Southern PlainsOkPawnee Nation of OklahomaPawnee$1,349,084
Southern PlainsOKWyandotte NationWyandotte$2,000,000
SouthwestAZWhite Mountain Apache Housing AuthorityWhiteriver$4,000,000
SouthwestCACahuilla Band of IndiansAnza$1,486,250
SouthwestCACoyote Valley Band of Pomo IndiansRedwood Valley$2,000,000
SouthwestCAGuidiville Rancheria of CaliforniaTalmage$2,000,000
SouthwestCAKaruk TribeHappy Camp$2,000,000
SouthwestCALa Jolla Band of Mission IndiansPauma Valley$1,582,510
SouthwestCANorth Fork Rancheria of Mono IndiansNorth Fork$2,000,000
SouthwestCAPinoleville Pomo NationUkiah$2,000,000
SouthwestCASanta Rosa Band of Cahuilla IndiansAnza$1,365,000
SouthwestCASanta Ynez Band of Chumash Mission Indians of the Santa Ynez Reservation, CaliforniaSanta Ynez$1,588,750
SouthwestCAToiyabe Indian Health Project, Inc.Bishop$2,000,000
SouthwestNMSan Ildefonso Housing AuthoritySanta Fe$2,000,000
SouthwestNVWashoe Tribe of Nevada & CaliforniaGardnerville$1,974,758

For further information on the ICDBG program and its impact on Tribal communities, please visit
