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Risk Management Manual of Examination Policies March 5, 2021

March 5, 2021 / Source: FDIC

The FDIC’s Risk Management Manual of Examination Policies (RMS Manual) has been updated.The RMS Manual provides FDIC staff information relating to examination activities and supervisory practices.  The FDIC conducts examinations at financial institutions to ensure public confidence in the banking system and to protect the Deposit Insurance Fund.  The RMS Manual promotes consistency in examination activities, which center on evaluating an institution’s capital, assets, management, earnings, liquidity, sensitivity to market risk, and adherence to laws and regulations.

February 2021 Updates

  • Section 1.1 – Basic Examination Concepts and Guidelines: This section was updated to clarify that when FDIC staff contact a bank between examinations (an interim contact), staff should discuss an institution’s progress in addressing Matters Requiring Board Attention (MRBA) that are cited in prior Reports of Examination (ROE), including ROEs issued by the State regulatory authority.
  • Section 21.1 – Examination Planning: This section was updated to clarify for FDIC staff that all previously issued MRBA, including those issued by the state banking authority, are to be considered when planning and scoping an examination.

Read the Manual