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Technical Assistance Videos on Fair Lending

February 24, 2021 / Source: FDIC

Financial Institution Letter



The FDIC has released nine technical assistance videos on fair lending. The information in the videos is intended as a high-level overview to help FDIC-supervised institutions assess and mitigate fair lending risk, and to understand how FDIC examiners evaluate fair lending compliance.

Statement of Applicability: This Financial Institution Letter applies to all FDIC-supervised institutions.


The FDIC has released nine technical assistance videos on fair lending compliance.  The videos assist institutions in complying with federal fair lending laws and preparing for FDIC fair lending reviews.  The videos range in length from approximately 10 to 28 minutes.

  • Video 1 provides an overview of the federal fair lending laws and regulations and is intended for bank directors and senior managers. 
  • Video 2 focuses on how a bank’s compliance management system can mitigate fair lending risk and is intended for bank management and compliance staff.
  • Video 3 discusses how FDIC examiners evaluate fair lending risk during a consumer compliance examination and is intended for bank management and compliance staff.
  • Videos 4-9 discuss specific fair lending risk factors, as provided in the interagency fair lending examination procedures:  overt discrimination, underwriting, pricing, steering, redlining, and marketing.  These six videos are intended for bank management and compliance staff.

These videos are available with other supervisory resources for banking professionals on the FDIC’s Banker Resource Center.


FDIC-Supervised Institutions

Suggested Routing:

Board of Directors
Chief Executive Officer
Compliance Officer
Chief Lending Officer