CERCLA Environmental Risk and ESG

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Climate risk has become a growing concern globally as it has gained a significant level of attention by policymakers, financial regulators, international organizations, and many others. It’s become critical that financial institutions understand the implication of climate change and how it can impact financial stability. This session will define climate change challenges as it outlines the relationship between climate and financial risks. It will cover CERCLA and environmental risk and program elements. This webinar will focus on challenges faced by financial institutions as they attempt to manage the risk and meet regulatory expectations.

People Who Should Attend: 

Compliance Officers and Compliance Staff, Auditors, Loan Officers and Lending Staff, Board of Directors, and any other staff involved in the lending and risk process.

The webinar will start at 12:30 PM Pacific / 1:30 PM Mountain / 2:30 PM Central / 3:30 PM Eastern.


Julia A. Gutierrez
Vice President of Education

Julia A. Gutierrez serves as C/A’s Director of Education; developing curriculum and presentations, as well as presenting at various schools and seminars; both live and in a livestream/hybrid format. Julia has over 20 years of financial industry experience to the Compliance Alliance team. She began her career in banking in 2000 while receiving her Bachelor of Business Administration degree in Finance from the University of Alabama. Her compliance knowledge and understanding derive from her combined experience in community banks and consulting. Ms. Gutierrez served as a Risk Management and BSA Officer, assisted in the development of an enterprise wide risk management and compliance program for a de novo institution, assisted in the compliance remediation efforts for an institution who was referred to the DOJ, held positions in retail and branch management, and was a Senior Compliance Advisor for a large regulatory compliance consulting firm.

In addition, Julia also joins the Hotline from time-to-time where her experience is invaluable as a resource. She also is one of our featured authors for both the mo