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Comment Period: Strengthening the Section 184 Indian Home Loan Guarantee Program

AGENCY: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

ACTION: Proposed Rule.

SUMMARY: This proposed rule would revise the regulations governing the Section 184 Indian Home Loan Guarantee Program (“Section 184 Program”) to fiscally strengthen the program by clarifying rules for Lenders, Tribes, and Borrowers. As the program has experienced an increase in demand, it now requires an update to the implementing regulations to minimize potential risk and increase program participation by financial institutions. This proposed rule strives to modernize and enhance the Section 184 Program by adding participation and eligibility requirements for Lenders and other financial institutions. This proposed rule would also clarify the rules governing Tribal participation in the program, establish underwriting requirements, specify rules on the closing and endorsement process, establish stronger and clearer servicing requirements, establish program rules governing claims submitted by Servicers and paid by HUD, and add standards governing monitoring, reporting, sanctions and appeals. This rule would add new definitions and make statutory conforming amendments, including the categorical exclusion of the Section 184 program in HUD’s environmental review regulations. Ultimately, the changes made by this proposed rule would promote program sustainability, increase Borrower protections, and provide clarity for new and existing Lenders who participate 2 in the program.

DATES: Comment Due Date: March 6, 2023.

  • March 6, 2023
  • Time: All Day